Argan color is a hair colouring made from the precious Argan Oil and Calendula extract. Remarkably effective due to its high-tech pigments, it has got no impact on the hair structure and on the skin balance.
Argan color is a hair colouring made from the precious Argan Oil and Calendula extract. Remarkably effective due to its high-tech pigments, it has got no impact on the hair structure and on the skin balance.
AQUA ARGAN colour is prepared by mixing in a 50ml non-metallic bowl, 50ml of dye with 20 vol. Oxy. Let the so obtained cream rest for 2-3 minutes before applying it. To get a good coverage and bleaching at the same time, use 30vol. Oxy.
Superlight Series
With this series you can get hair up to 3 / 4 tones. Mix 50ml. about color cream with 50 ml. Oxy to 40vol. Shutter speed: 35-40min.
Argan color is a hair colouring made from the precious Argan Oil and Calendula extract. Remarkably effective due to its high-tech pigments, it has got no impact on the hair structure and on the skin balance.
It lets the development up to 7 tones of bleaching. Thanks to its compact formula reduces the inhalation of flying particles during the preparation of the mixture.
Naturalia is the innovative coloration to oil of Giomat, made with true aloe and natural agents who guarantee emollient, nourishing and conditioning action. It gives brilliance, homogeneity and natural results does not provoke annoying irritations.
Emulsify with any type of coloration. Composed by elements selected of elevated quality, they help the estate of the color. Thanks to their scent they make the most pleasant treatment both for the operator and for the client.
It allows to get a development of the brightening up to 7 tones. Its unique formulation acts as decolorazione disguising the yellow tones. It allows the hair to preserve its own integrity guaranteeing at the same time the perfect.
The choice and expert dosage of the active principles makes the Treatment Repair Mask a highly reliable product. it is studied to protect weakened hair and hair ruined by chemical treatments and restore to them strength, glossiness and vigour.
Argan color is a hair colouring made from the precious Argan Oil and Calendula extract. Remarkably effective due to its high-tech pigments, it has no impact on the hair structure and on the balance of the skin.
Emulsify with any type of coloration. Composed by elements selected of elevated quality, they help the estate of the color. Thanks to their scent they make the most pleasant treatment both for the operator and for the client.